M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence

Teaching Language: English

About the studyprogram

The FSR AI has their own website!
Feel free to check it out.


Students who study Computer Science at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg benefit from an Master's degree based on recognized scientific standards.

Academically qualifying

With the completion of a Master's degree, all doors are open to you - decide for yourself whether you want to pursue a specialized position in industry or a career in science.


After a professional internship you set yourself up for your master thesis and you are ready to work on your own scientific work. Your mentor will help you.

Algorithmen und Methoden

Algorithms and methods are the basis for the development of intelligent systems and therefore a necessity for the subject of AI.

Ethical Concerns

Prevent the world from being taken over by robots and discuss what place AI should have in everyday life.


Extend your skills and knowledge in a selected area of Artificial Intelligence.

Specialize in AI with a self-designed study plan and use your knowledge from computer science, psychology and mathematics to research, explain and design complex AI methods. Our master's degree AI is ideal for a career in AI or as preparation for a subsequent PhD.

Inform yourself and decide for
your AI studies at BTU

We provide all the important information about the study program and the start of studies for your decision-making process.

Current modules in semester

Wintersemester 2024/2025 (version from 08.02.2025)

Here you can find all modules and categories offered in this semester. Use our Timetable Creator → to create your individual timetable. If you have questions about the module selection, please contact the FSR or the academic advisor.

The provided Modules and Associations are subject to change without notice and may not be complete!