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About the studyprogram
Students who study Medical Computer Science at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg benefit from an accredited bachelor degree based on recognized scientific standards.
Professional Qualifying
A university bachelor degree provides you with all the foundations required to start a professional career in the area of medical IT and continue educating yourself on your own.
Your first scientific work that you create under supervision. You work on various topics and develop a prototype.
Software Systems
Learn the development of complex application software with great demands on correctness and maintainability.
Medical Knowledge
Learn the medical foundations required to develop and analyse IT systems for the medical sector.
Theoretical Knowledge
Learn the basic mathematical foundations required to design and analyse a computer system.
Medical informatics is an interdisciplinary study program that combines knowledge from computer science with knowledge from medicine. Where there is a theoretical boundary between medicine and IT, medical informatics builds bridges between the two disciplines. For a medicine that serves the patient in the best possible way. For a research that overcomes boundaries.
Inform yourself and decide for
your Medical Informatics studies at BTU
We provide all the important information about the study program and the start of studies for your decision-making process.
First semester schedule
Wintersemester 2024/2025 (version from 08.02.2025)
To make our first semester more successful, we offer you the possibility to view your schedule directly. In future semesters, you will have more freedom and need a personalized schedule.
Zeit | Mo | Di | Mi | Do | Fr |
1. Block 07.30-09.00 |
2. Block 09.15-10.45 |
UE - Mathematik IT-1 (Diskrete Mathematik)
(HG0.17) |
UE - Mathematik IT-1 (Diskrete Mathematik)
(HG0.17) |
VL - Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen
3. Block 11.30-13.00 |
PR - Programmierpraktikum
(VG1C/0.03) |
VL - Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen
PR - Programmierpraktikum
(VG1C/0.03) |
PR - Programmierpraktikum
(VG1C/0.03) |
VL - Programmierpraktikum
4. Block 13.45-15.15 |
VL - Mathematik IT-1 (Diskrete Mathematik)
(ZHG/Audimax1) |
VL - Mathematik IT-1 (Diskrete Mathematik)
(LG1A/HS2) |
UE - Mathematik IT-1 (Diskrete Mathematik)
(LG1A/304) |
PR - Programmierpraktikum
(VG1C/0.03) |
5. Block 15.30-17.00 |
UE - Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen
(ZHG/SR1) |
UE - Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen
TU - Mathematik IT-1 (Diskrete Mathematik)
6. Block 17.30-19.00 |
UE - Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen
(ZHG/SR1) |
UE - Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen
(HG0.18) |
The information in the timetable is subject to change without notice!
- 2 lectures every week (4 semester hours = 4 × 45 min)
- 1 exercise every week (2 semester hours = 2 × 45 min)
Exam requirements:
Submission of a group exercise sheet every week (at least 75% solved correctly; on request with revision)
Further information:
This module leads you to the practice of software development. This includes the analysis, the design, the implementation and the testing of software. For further information, see the module description.
To the official course description →Events:
- 2 lectures every week (4 semester hours = 4 × 45 min)
- 1 exercise every week (2 semester hours = 2 × 45 min)
- 1 optional Tutoring of the FSR IT every week (2 semester hours = 2 × 45 min)
Exam requirements:
Submission of an exercise sheet every week (at least 50% solved correctly), as well as participation in the mock exam
Further information:
The module deals with the mathematical-logical foundations that you need in the study of computer science. This includes formal logic, combinatorics, the Landau notation and later an introduction to graph theory.
To the official course description →Events:
- Every week lecture Propaedeutics with accompanying seminar (2 semester hours = 2 × 45 min)
- Every week lecture Functional Anatomy (2 semester hours = 2 × 45 min)
- Every week lecture Physiology with accompanying practical course (2 semester hours = 2 × 45 min)
Exam requirements:
Successful completion of the laboratory experiments within the framework of the physiological internship
Further information:
The students acquire basic knowledge of human anatomy and physiology and of medical diagnostic and therapeutic processes. After participating in the module, they are able to understand and apply medical terminology and to describe the structure and function of the human organism. They are also able to assess medical data for plausibility.
To the official course description →Events:
- 1 lecture every second week (1 semester hour = 1 × 45 min)
- 1 practical exercise every week (2 semester hours = 2 × 45 min)
Exam requirements:
Weekly submission of exercise sheets (70%) and participation in a programming test (30%). In total, 75% of the points must be reached to pass the module.
Further information:
The course introduces the programming language Java. The lectures provide additional background and information that are helpful for the practical exercises.
To the official course description →Current modules in semester
Wintersemester 2024/2025 (version from 08.02.2025)
Here you can find all modules and categories offered in this semester. Use our Timetable Creator → to create your individual timetable. If you have questions about the module selection, please contact the FSR or the academic advisor.
11112: Mathematik IT-1 (Diskrete Mathematik) →
11213: Mathematik IT-3 (Analysis) →
11760: Betriebssysteme und Rechnernetze →
11764: Modellierung biologischer Systeme →
11777: Medizinische Grundlagen →
11779: Mikrobiologie / Hygiene und Organisation des Gesundheitswesens / Krankenhausbetriebswirtschaft →
12102: Programmierpraktikum →
12104: Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen →
12107: Elektrische und elektronische Grundlagen der Informatik →
12202: Softwarepraktikum →
12330: Datenbanken →
11113: Mathematik IT-2 (Lineare Algebra) →
11756: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen →
11758: Einführung in die Medizininformatik →
11761: Digitale Bildverarbeitung →
11762: ProTrack - Seminar →
11766: Projektpraktikum Medizininformatik →
11778: Krankheitslehre und diagnostische Verfahren →
11926: Statistik für Anwender →
12101: Algorithmieren und Programmieren →
14143: ProTrack - Seminar →
11781: Neurologie →
11782: Kardiologie und Angiologie: Pathophysiologie und medizintechnische Anwendungen →
11783: Elektromedizin und Innovationen in der Herz-Kreislaufmedizin →
11784: Biomechanik und Technische Orthopädie →
11785: Biochemie / Stoffwechsel →
11786: Sinnesphysiologie →
11911: Grundzüge der Kognition und Wahrnehmung →
12236: Krankheitslehre 2 →
11811: Künstliche Intelligenz in der Materialdiagnostik →
11908: Systemtheorie I →
13335: Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) for Neuroadaptive Technology →
13500: Introduction to Neural Signal Analysis →
13849: Introduction to Computational Neuroscience →
13942: Foundations of Psychophysiology →
11780: Ergonomie →
11792: Mikrocontrollertechnik →
13222: Eye Tracking - Analyse von Augenbewegungen →
13668: Sensorimotor Processing in Health and Disease →
13966: Internetrecht und Datenschutzrecht →
14023: Modeling of Perception and Action →
The provided Modules and Associations are subject to change without notice and may not be complete!